I'm an Assistant Professor in computer science at the “University of Monastir”, Tunisia, a Research Associate at the “Digital Research Centre of Sfax”, Tunisia and a Research Associate at “Institut Mines-Télécom”, Paris, France. As part of my work, I was actively involved in several national and European projects, such as the Singaporean Project A*STAR “AMUPADH” project, the French future investment project “VHP Inter@ctive”, the “QoL Chair” (Dependent Persons Quality of Life Chair) of Institut Mines-Télécom and the H2020 projects “City4Age” (Grant 689731) and “PULSE” (Grant 727816).
Before starting my current position, I spent 3 years as a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) ICT for Health Montpellier, France from 2013 to 2017. During this period, I were attached to “Montpellier Laboratory of Informatics, Robotics and Microelectronics” (LIRMM, CNRS URM 5506), within the “Interactive Digital Humans” (IDH) team. During this period I was doing a research on activity recognition and early behavior change detection for ageing people. I was also leading two pilot sites focusing on these topics in Montpellier and Argentan.
I performed my Ph.D. fully in Singapore in collaboration with “A*STAR”, “NUS”, and “IP-Paris” (Institut Polytechnique of Paris) from 2009 to 2013. During this period I were a member of the French-Singaporean international joint laboratory “Image and Pervasive Access laboratory” (IPAL CNRS UMI 2955) in Singapore working within the “Pervasive Access and Wellbeing Management” (PAWM) team. My Ph.D. is entitled “Framework for Ambient Assistive Living: Handling Dynamism and Uncertainty in Real Time Semantic Services Provisioning” and was carried under the supervision of Prof. “Mounir Mokhtari”. Over my thesis, I developed a dynamic and extensible framework for ambient assistive living, able to adapt to different environments and the needs of patients. This was realized based on the semantic plug&play approach I have proposed. I have also been working on uncertain information in smart environments and I have proposed an approach for uncertainty measurement based on sensors intrinsic characteristics and their functional comportment.
My research interests are focused on internet of things and context awareness applied for the development of intelligent spaces for public health, ageing, and wellbeing. I'm recently more focusing on behavior change and persuasion strategies to promote physical activies and healthy lifestyle for ageing people.